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Home > Europe > Hungary*


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Budapest bridges across the Danube

Budapest bridges across the Danube

The Danube splits Budapest into Buda (western bank) and Pest (eastern bank). Originally two separate cities, they were united once the Chain Bridge (Széchenyi) was built in 1849.

18 photos, last one added on 29 Apr, 2008

Budapest castle and surroundings

Budapest castle and surroundings

With images from the castle complex including the Matthias Church and Fisherman´s Bastion.

28 photos, last one added on 27 Apr, 2008

People and Culture

People and Culture

With photographs showing street scenes from Budapest and the great food and crafts market Központi Vásárcsarnok.

17 photos, last one added on 27 Apr, 2008

Pest side

Pest side

The Pest side lies on the eastern bank of the Danube river. It contains the modern centre of Budapest, the shopping areas and the Országház parliament building.

40 photos, last one added on 29 Apr, 2008

4 photo albums on 1 page(s)

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Travel photography:Budapest´s Vajdahunyad castle , Hungary
Travel photography:Budapest Parliament building , Hungary
Travel photography:Budapest market , Hungary
Travel photography:Budapest parliament facade detail, Hungary
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Travel photography:Úri utca in the Budapest castle, Hungary
Travel photography:Sádor palace in Budapest castle , Hungary
Travel photography:The Budapest market hall, Hungary
Travel photography:Budapest castle Trinity column detail, Hungary
Travel photography:The Chain Bridge in Budapest with flower bed, Hungary
Travel photography:View of Pest from Fisherman´s Bastion in Budapest castle, Hungary
Travel photography:Sádor palace in Budapest castle , Hungary


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