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Home > America > Brazil*


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Bahia Beaches

Bahia Beaches

With images of Itacimirim & Praia do Forte, and the island of Boipeba.

48 photos, last one added on 20 Jan, 2008



This album contains images of Bahia's capital Salvador, it's old district Pelourinho (a UNESCO Wolrd Heritage site since 1985), and the coastal towns of Ilhéus and Valença.

38 photos, last one added on 20 Jan, 2008



With images from the Brazilian capital. Brasilia was built in the late 1950's according to the plans by Lúcio Costa and Oscar Niemeyer.

24 photos, last one added on 22 Jan, 2008

Lençóis & Chapada Diamantina

Lençóis & Chapada Diamantina

With images from the colonial town of Lençóis and the Chapada Diamantina National Park.

55 photos, last one added on 21 Jan, 2008

Minas Gerais

Minas Gerais

With travel pictures from the colonial town of Ouro Preto.

18 photos, last one added on 13 Jul, 2005



With travel images from the Pantanal National Park.

9 photos, last one added on 22 Jan, 2008

Rio de Janeiro

Rio de Janeiro

Travel photography from the city of Rio de Janeiro. More images from Rio can be found in the Black & White Gallery.

105 photos, last one added on 22 Jan, 2008

The State of Rio de Janeiro

The State of Rio de Janeiro

With images from Niterói, Parati, Cabo Frio, and Arraial do Cabo. More images from Niterói can be found in the Black&White Gallery.

30 photos, last one added on 22 Jan, 2008

8 photo albums on 1 page(s)

Random images - Brazil

Travel photography:Os Candangos monument on the Praça dos Três Poderes (Square of the three powers) in Brasilia, by artist Bruno Gio, Brazil
Travel photography:Bird in Rio´s Botanical Garden, Brazil
Travel photography:Orelhão near Lençóis, Brazil
Travel photography:Inside the Catedral de São Sebastião in Ilheus, Brazil
Travel photography:Beach with palms on Boipeba Island, Brazil
Travel photography:The palace on Ilha Fiscal in Guanabara bay in Rio, Brazil
Travel photography:Boy riding a donkey on a Boipeba Island beach, Brazil
Travel photography:Museum of Contemporary Art in Niteroi with Niterói bay, Brazil
Travel photography:Lençóis door , Brazil
Travel photography:Copacabana beach in Rio, Brazil
Travel photography:The Catedral Metropolitana in Brasilia, by architect Oscar Niemeyer, Brazil
Travel photography:Hotel tower in Salvador de Bahia, Brazil
Travel photography:Men playing cards in a Rio park, Brazil
Travel photography:Praying mantis in Belo Horizonte, Brazil
Travel photography:Boats in Parati harbour, Brazil


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