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Anfang > Asien und Ozeanien > Südkorea > Das traditionelle Seoul*?
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Das traditionelle Seoul

Das traditionelle Seoul

frame frame
Diese Galerie zeigt das traditionelle Gesicht Seouls. Seoul ist eine Stadt von nationaler Bedeutung seit über 2.000 Jahren. Dies zeigt sich vor allem in dem reichen architektonischen Erbe, wie dem Bukchong Hanok Dorf, dem Jongmyo Schrein oder dem Changdeokgung Palast, beide auf der Liste der UNESCO Weltkulturerben.
Weitere Bilder aus Südkorea gibt es in diesen Alben:

132 Fotos auf 7 Seite(n) 6

Travel photography:Seoul Gyeongbokgung palace guards, South Korea
Travel photography:Changing of the guards at Seoul`s Gyeongbokgung palace, South Korea
Travel photography:Seoul Gyeongbokgung palace guards, South Korea
Travel photography:Robe of a Gyeongbokgung palace guard, South Korea
Travel photography:Seoul Gyeongbokgung palace guards, South Korea
Travel photography:Seoul Gyeongbokgung palace guards, South Korea
Travel photography:Ceremony performed at the Jongmyo Royal Shrine in Seoul, South Korea
Travel photography:Ceremony performed at the Jongmyo Royal Shrine in Seoul, South Korea
Travel photography:Ceremony performed at the Jongmyo Royal Shrine in Seoul, South Korea
Travel photography:Ceremony performed at the Jongmyo Royal Shrine in Seoul, South Korea
Travel photography:Ceremony performed at the Jongmyo Royal Shrine in Seoul, South Korea
Travel photography:Ceremony performed at the Jongmyo Royal Shrine in Seoul, South Korea
Travel photography:Ceremony performed at the Jongmyo Royal Shrine in Seoul, South Korea
Travel photography:Ceremony performed at the Jongmyo Royal Shrine in Seoul, South Korea
Travel photography:Ceremony performed at the Jongmyo Royal Shrine in Seoul, South Korea
Travel photography:Man on mobile at the Jongmyo Royal Shrine in Seoul, South Korea
Travel photography:Ceremony performed at the Jongmyo Royal Shrine in Seoul, South Korea
Travel photography:Man at the Jongmyo Royal Shrine in Seoul, South Korea
Travel photography:Ceremony performed at the Jongmyo Royal Shrine in Seoul, South Korea
Travel photography:Ceremony performed at the Jongmyo Royal Shrine in Seoul, South Korea
132 Fotos auf 7 Seite(n) 6


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