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Inicio > Europa > Islandia > Mývatn*?
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Con imágenes del lago volcánico Mývatn (´lago de mosquitos`) que forma la extensión norte de la Dorsal mesoatlántica, separando la placa Euroasiática de la placa Norte-Américana. Debido a su gran población de mosquitos en verano, el lago es un lugar de reunión para varias especies de patos. La galería también muestra imágenes de los volcanes circundantes y las fumarolas en Hverarönd así como el baño geotérmico de Jarðböð.
Hay otras imágenes de la categoría Islandia en estos álbumes:

51 fotos en 3 página(s) 2

Travel photography:Geothermal field at Hverarönd near Mývatn with fumaroles and mud pools, Iceland
Travel photography:Dried out stream in the geothermal field at Hverarönd near Mývatn, Iceland
Travel photography:Cracked soil in the geothermal field at Hverarönd near Mývatn, Iceland
Travel photography:Colours of the geothermal area at Hverarönd near Mývatn, Iceland
Travel photography:Small fumaroles in the geothermal area at Hverarönd near Mývatn, Iceland
Travel photography:Small fumaroles in the geothermal area at Hverarönd near Mývatn, Iceland
Travel photography:Cracked soil in the geothermal area at Hverarönd near Mývatn, Iceland
Travel photography:Cracked soil in the geothermal area at Hverarönd near Mývatn, Iceland
Travel photography:The geothermal area at Hverarönd near Mývatn, Iceland
Travel photography:The geothermal area at Hverarönd near Mývatn, Iceland
Travel photography:Fumarole near in the geothermal field at Hverarönd near Mývatn, Iceland
Travel photography:Volcanic landscape in the geothermal field at Hverarönd near Mývatn, Iceland
Travel photography:Large fumarole in the geothermal area at Hverarönd near Mývatn, Iceland
Travel photography:Sulfur crystals in the geothermal area at Hverarönd near Mývatn, Iceland
Travel photography:Small stream crossing the geothermal area at Hverarönd near Mývatn, Iceland
Travel photography:Small streams in the geothermal area at Hverarönd near Mývatn, Iceland
Travel photography:Fumarole at Hverarönd near Mývatn, Iceland
Travel photography:Steam rising from a solfatare at Hverarönd near Mývatn, Iceland
Travel photography:Small stream in the geothermal area at Hverarönd near Mývatn, Iceland
Travel photography:Undulating stream through the geothermal area at Hverarönd near Mývatn, Iceland
51 fotos en 3 página(s) 2


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